Microsoft Access database help

Dear CCD, LLC,
I have a small business located in the District of Columbia. My Access database contains all of my clients and their accounts (payments, etc.). However, the database was set up using an older version of Microsoft Access. I see that your company does computer programming around Washington DC. Can you help me upgrade my Access database? And in what situations do you suggest people upgrade even further to Microsoft SQL Server? Hope to hear from you soon,


Using formulas with a microsoft access database

We have an Microsoft Access 2010 database. It has statistics on the counties and cities in Maryland. Int the database, we have a query that groups the data and produces two totals for each group. After that, a second query takes this first query as its input and divides one total by the other for each group. Is it possible for us to do this in one step instead of two?

Joanne (I’m in Montgomery County, Maryland)

Web Development for association in Washington DC

We are an association located in Washington DC. We would like to list the database of our members on our web site. What kind of database and system would you use to do this? We were thinking of using Microsoft Access or SQL Server. And can you recommend any good company in the Maryland or Washington DC area that does web development? Thanks,

District of Columbia

Rockville guy here with a SQL Server question

I am an IT guy in Rockville, Maryland and have a custom programming question that has to do with database management. I am trying to integrate a Microsoft Access database with a SQL Server 2008 64 bit database. The SQL Server system doesn’t seem to connect to Access. Do you have any ideas about what could be the problem?

Joe in Rockville, Maryland