Washington DC SQL Server

Washington DC SQL Server computer consulting company needed-  We have a legacy database done in SQL Server.  It used to be in SQL Server 2000, but we recently tried updating it to SQL Server 2005 and then SQL Server 2008, but now it doesn’t work properly!  We are located in Washington DC, but would be fine working with a company in Montgomery County, Maryland or in Virginia.  As far as working on SQL Server Washington DC has a good number of computer consultants doesn’t it?  Oh, and we are a small company that works with the folks on capital hill-  Our office is close to Dupont circle.  Help us please!


Using formulas with a microsoft access database

We have an Microsoft Access 2010 database. It has statistics on the counties and cities in Maryland. Int the database, we have a query that groups the data and produces two totals for each group. After that, a second query takes this first query as its input and divides one total by the other for each group. Is it possible for us to do this in one step instead of two?

Joanne (I’m in Montgomery County, Maryland)