php in rockville for a membership organization

Hello CCD:

We need some php in Rockville done.  We are a membership organization (similar to an association) and our public web site was programmed in php.  The data for the web site is in MySQL.  Anyway, would your people be able to come and do php work in rockville?  Due to the propietary nature of our information, we would not feel comfortable shipping our data to you over the internet or via USPS.  We would prefer that you come into our office instead.  Please let us know.  Thanks,

Marcus in Rockville

Germantown Computer Programming


Germantown Computer Programming, do you do that?  We have an old system (maybe about 8 years old) that keeps track of homes for sale.  It also stores information on these homes such as items that need replaced, certificates granted, and outstanding problems.  I think the system was done using SQL Server.  Computer programming Germantown is where we are located.  Please help us!  I will send you our phone number.  Thanks.

Microsoft Access database help

Dear CCD, LLC,
I have a small business located in the District of Columbia. My Access database contains all of my clients and their accounts (payments, etc.). However, the database was set up using an older version of Microsoft Access. I see that your company does computer programming around Washington DC. Can you help me upgrade my Access database? And in what situations do you suggest people upgrade even further to Microsoft SQL Server? Hope to hear from you soon,


Database Management with MySQL and PHP

Hello CCD:
Our organization is looking for some help with MySQL and PHP. We have a database of clients and potential clients- We would like to publish some of the information in this database on the web so that our team members across the country can easily access it. Is this the sort of computer consulting that you do? I guess you would call it database management.

JL in the District of Columbia

P.S. Do you also do web development work in Microsoft SQL Server? We also may have a need for that.

Transforming from Microsoft Access to PHP MySQL

Our company has a database that was done in Microsoft Access. We are interested in finding a computer consulting company in the Washington DC area that can convert the data to a MySQL database and use the PHP programming language to make the data available to our clients. Does CCD have expertise in Microsoft Access? And how about PHP and MySQL? I see that you are located in Maryland- That is certainly close enough to Washington DC for us. Thanks,
District of Columbia